Magnolia Property Management in Piedmont

Type: Truck rental

Phone: (864) 832-0112

City: Piedmont, South Carolina

Address: 1707 Hwy 86, Piedmont, SC, 29673

Business hours

Mon-Fri: 9 am - 5 pm
Sat: 9 am - 1 pm

To get a quote or place an order, please call (864) 832-0112
Customer's reviews 1 Write your review
These white trash hillbillies are the absolute worst business people you could choose. I have taken them to court twice, and lost due to their incessant living, and the fact that your state is very backward, ignorant and incompetent. Your courts are a sham,and local police and government are as lame as the day is long.Thankfully, there are a few people besides myself who have come to realize how incompetent this band of no integrity hillbillies are.
October 12, 2016, 10:02:30 pm
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