Two Tails in Boise

Type: Truck rental

Phone: (208) 375-4165

City: Boise, Idaho

Address: 4503 S Federal Wy, Boise, ID, 83716

Business hours

Mon-Fri: 9:30 am - 6 pm
Sat: 8 am - 5 pm

To get a quote or place an order, please call (208) 375-4165
Customer's reviews 1 Write your review
Let me be clear, this is a 0 star review.

In my opinion, I would caution potential Two Tails customers to PLEASE BEWARE and use EXTREME CAUTION if they’re considering using this moving company.

I utilized Two Tails when I was moving last year while my husband was dying of a degenerative disease. I paid thousands of dollars to have my home packed and placed in storage units until I was able to unpack them.

Earlier this month I was able to begin unpacking the units into my new home and to my shock and horror I found COUNTLESS issues with how Two Tails packed, handled, and stored my belongings.

The way in which they packed my fragile belongings was absolutely unacceptable and MULTIPLE priceless items have been found broken as I unpacked.

My larger furniture (leather couches) have multiple places where the leather is punctured or torn.

Family heirloom sideboards and china hutches are damaged.

Boxes were over filled and collapsed under the pressure of one another.

There was no thought or care to how the storage units were loaded and items were stacked and jammed so haphazardly that many of the totes and boxes were falling hazards as we unloaded.

I can never, in good conscience, refer or recommend this company to people who are seeking assistance in moving.

In my opinion the prices are exorbitant and the care/handling is woefully unacceptable.
August 10, 2024, 6:08:25 pm
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