My close friend spent 2 days getting the run around from this undeniably unprofessional U haul franchise. On the 2nd of not getting her truck because he insisted after putting the initial rental price on her debit card, he needed the rest of the deposit in cash. Since her first day was all screwed up and she didn't get it, she'd made a second reservation on line. So, for a 33 dollar RIP off, the owner was going to charge the first reservation and finalize the transaction not having to return her cash money. So, after going thru all the paperwork, he asked for her cash. Jokes on him, she only has her card. So now 10 mins before closing she got to rush to take out money. Here, another opportunity to screw over the customer, he closes anyway after agreeing to wait the extra 5 mins for her to come back. So she's completely upset. So I contacted customer service myself a fought for her to get a truck because another day behind would devastate her finances. An dedicated Uhaul corporate field service manager took the time to travel to this location after hours, issue her truck, and told her to contact him and he'd recieve it back personally for the inspection due to her apprehension the location would try something else on final return. But the real kick in the gut about it? The owner was in the building the whole time! When we were just getting ready to leave, I saw him driving off of the property in his Liberty Rentals truck proudly emblazoned on the side to generate public knowledge of his business and to advertise. If you have any options of renting from another dealer, I strongly advocate you do. If not surely take all precautions to keep him from any opportunity to gouge or up charge you!
April 4, 2020, 2:16:17 am